Prof. Dr. Doina Pleșca
Dr. Doina Anca Pleșca, MD, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Department of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Pediatric Clinic of the “Victor Gomoiu” Children's Hospital, Bucharest, Romania and President of Romanian Pediatric Society. Dr. Plesca is primary pediatrician, primary pediatric neurologist and pediatric pulmonologist. I am a PhD thesis leader since 2006.
- Doina Anca Pleșca have held leading positions (Dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Hospital Manager of “Victor Gomoiu” Children's Hospital) and have led numerous pediatric medical training programs, organizer of scientific events (congresses, conferences, workshops) national and international. Co-president of the Scientific board of Europaediatrics Congress, 2017 (Bucharest) and Europaediatrics Congress 2019 (Dublin), President of the Congress UMEMPS (Congress of Union Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies) 2022.
- She is the lead author of 14 monographs, author of chapters of pediatric medical publications, also scientific coordinator of the Pediatric Treaty published in 2021 and author and co-author of numerous articles published in national and international journals (184).
- Was the principal investigator of the clinical public health research project in collaboration with American Academy of Pediatrics dedicated to the Health of all children: Strengthening Pediatric Capacity for tabacco Control Sustainability 2020-2021 (Garant 6631-37250-851148) and European Regional Tobacco Advocacy 2022-2024; member of the team in the research: Prevention and contrast of child abuse and neglect in the practice of European paediatricians: a multi-national pilot study (2019-2020)
- She is the Editor-in-chief of the Romanian Journal of Pediatrics and Pediatru.ro and Editorial Manager of European Young Researchers at The Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine, Official Journal of the Italian Romanian Society of Pediatrics, also Review Editor for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- At present dr. Doina Anca Pleșca is the President of the Romanian Society of Pediatrics and President of UMEMPS (Union Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societies). Also, she becomes co-president of the Italian-Romanian Pediatric Society. From 2014 until now, she is member of PDCO (Pediatric Scientific Committee) in the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
- For several years she have been a member of International Scientific Societies as well as The American Pulmonology Academy (ATS), European Society of Pulmonology (ERS), Member of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (ESPIS), member of the European Pediatric Academy (EPA), member of the International Pediatric Association, member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI).
- She has received numerous awards for his work: Ambasciatrice di Arte Cultura e Scienze in Italia e nel Mondo, 2020; Award of Excellence in Medicine (Minister of Health 2015); Award "Ervan Seropian" for appreciation and very good cooperation with the Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology and dedication and delicacy in caring little patients – 2014; Health Award at HEALTH Gala 2012 - Award for "Passion and Commitment" ; Awarded by the Hungarian Pediatric Association (2011); Third Prize: The 9th International Congress for Medical Students and Doctors Zoung MEDIS (2005); The President of Romania decorated Dr. Doina Anca Pleșca with the Order "Medical Award" in rank of officers meant for civilians in January 2004.