Prof. Dr. Marina Oțelea
Prof. Dr. Marina Ruxandra Oțelea
Prof. Dr. Marina Ruxandra Oțelea, is a senior occupational physician currently employed by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”. Dr. Oțelea completed a nutrition master in 2018 and participated to European trainings in pulmonology, genomics and epidemiology. She had participated as principal investigator or coordinator of the Romanian team in three international projects, she has coordinated 2 national studies and was member of the team in several intrenational and national projects.
Her main experience is in the medical surveillance of workers exposed to occupational hazards and in diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases. She worked in sevral multidisciplinary teams, dealing with environmental and work-related disorders. This experience was reflected in the chapters published in 3 international books, 6 books or gudileines edited in Romania, 50 articles in journals indexed in web of science, accumulating more than 800 citations and a H-index = 13.